As evangelical Christians we believe in one God as revealed in three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), according to Old and New Testament Scriptures. We believe the historical faith of the Gospel is proclaimed within its pages.
We therefore affirm the following doctrines that we consider crucial for understanding faith, which should be expressed through love, practical Christian service and the proclamation of the Gospel:
Declaration of Faith
- The wisdom and grace of God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God and the Holy Scripture.
- The divine inspiration of the original documents of Holy Scripture and therefore, its total credibility and supreme authority over all things concerned with faith and its conduct.
- The universal sinful nature of fallen man that results in the wrath of God and condemnation.
- The atoning sacrifice of the incarnate Son of God, the only grounds sufficient for the redemption from guilt and the power of sin, as well as its eternal consequences.
- The justification of the sinner only by the grace of God, through faith in Christ crucified and resurrected.
- The work of the Holy Spirit which enlightens, restores, sanctifies and lives within the believer.
- The priesthood of all believers who, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, constitute the universal church, the body of which Christ is the head. They are committed to the Lord´s command to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world.
- The hope of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory, the resurrection of the dead and the coming of the Kingdom of Christ.